Saturday, May 8, 2010
Albatros ••• Apollobeat ••• Atlantis ••• Beatings ••• Beatmen ••• Blue Effect ••• Blues Five ••• Bluesmen ••• B-Side ••• Cardinals ••• Collegium Musicum ••• Crystal ••• Eminent ••• Five Travellers ••• Flamengo ••• Flamingo ••• Fontána ••• Fortuna ••• Four Meditation ••• Framus Five ••• Gattch ••• Gentlemen ••• George & Beatovens ••• Golden Kids ••• Junior ••• Juventus ••• Komety ••• Marta Kubišová ••• Majestic ••• Markýz John ••• Martha & Tena ••• Matadors ••• Jaromír Mayer ••• Meditating Four ••• Mefisto ••• Metronom ••• Václav Neckář ••• Petr Novák with George & Beatovens ••• Olympic ••• Players ••• Progress Organization ••• Prúdy ••• Rebels ••• Marie Rottrová & Flamingo ••• Samuels ••• Saze ••• Pavel Sedláček ••• Sally Sellingová ••• Shut Up ••• Soulmen ••• Petr Spálený & Apollobeat ••• Speakers ••• Synkopy 61 ••• Helena Vondráčková ••• Vúlkan ••• Hana Zagorová •••
Some may think that Czechoslovakia was a Beat and Psychedelic wasteland with a few exceptions like The Matadors and Olympic. Wrong! They HAD their underground scene behind the iron curtain and also some mainstream singers who presented a handful of good songs (although I'm not sure if they know what they did).
1. Blue Effect - Sun Is So Bright (Prague - Panton 03 0203 - 1969)
- Late sixties psych à la Fleur de Lys "Try A Little Sunshine". Not comparable to their later progressive work.
2. Flamengo - Co skrýváš v ocích (Prague - Supraphon 0 43 0457 - 1968)
- Great singles band that finally made a highly regarded progressive album in 1972. "Co skrýváš v ocích" is an excellent psychedelic trip, not far away from the Electric Prunes.
3. Olympic - Telefon (Prague - Supraphon 1 13 0412 LP »Želva« - 1968)
- R&B stomper with lots of fuzz from the debut-album by famous Czech-band.
4. Sally Sellingová - Chmýrí (Prague - Supraphon 0 43 0549 - 1968)
- Groovy garage-track overlayed by Sally Sellingová's solemn vocals. Reminds me somehow to The Disturbers' "Coming To Your World" (if that helps). Miss Sellingová did also some singing for Apollobeat.
5. Juventus - Procitnuti (Prague - Supraphon 0 13 0525 LP »V.A. - Beat-Line Supraphon 1968« - 1968)
- Karel Černoch's cool singing gives this late sixties Beat number a hypnotic character.
6. Prúdy - Pod so mnou (Bratislava - Opus 9013 2237 LP »Zvonte Zvonky« - 1969)
- From their excellent debut-album comes this slice of demented Freakbeat.
7. George & Beatovens - Dívky Z Perel (Prague - Panton 0 40 203 - 1969)
- Hip-shaker from a band that had more to offer than only this song.
8. Marta Kubišová - Balada O Kornetovi A Dívce (Prague - Supraphon 1 13 0587 LP »Songy A Balady« - 1969)
- Mighty and mystic folk-psych ballad with sitar/tablas ect. One of the best Mrs. Kubišová ever did. "Tak Dej Se K Nám A Projdem Svět" is the other song which is worth seeking out. Both were from her debut-album "Songy a Balady" (1969).
9. Soulmen - I Wish I Were (Bratislava - Panton 03 0108 EP - 1968)
- Great song that makes its way through a driving "Harlem Shuffle" Beat. Their only E.P. is pretty much in the Clapton/Bruce/Baker mould that also contains the outstanding "A Sample Of Happiness".
10. Rebels - Definitivní konec (Prague - Supraphon 0 43 0536 - 1968)
- Much of their material is weak but "Definitivní konec" comes in a slightly psychedelic and heavily orchestrated guise. At the beginning of the new decade they were involved into the "Fairy-Tales in Beat" album which is well worth hearing and better than the material they've did earlier.
11. Five Travellers - Midsummer Night (Prague - Vega 2329 M EP - 1969)
- This wild R&B/Garage pounder was released on the fench Véga label. The Five Travellers were in fact Olympic, who choose this moniker for one E.P.
12. Golden Kids - Women's Day (Prague - Bonton 710505-2 - 1997 [rec. 1969])
- This was a collaboration between Czech solo singers Marta Kubišová, Václav Neckář and Helena Vondráčková. "Women's Day" is the english version of "Den žen", a track from Neckář's first album, and finally released as a bonus track on the Micro-Magic-Circus-CD on Bonton in 1997.
13. Atlantis - Don't You Break It Again (Brno - Supraphon 0 43 0891 - 1970)
- Cool funky dance-floor number with shades of Julie Driscoll/Brian Auger.
14. Beatmen - Let's Make A Summer (Bratislava - Supraphon 013842 - 1965)
- Moody laid-back Mersey-Beat. All their 3 singles are worth a listen.
15. Modus - Smutok (Bratislava - Bonton BON 4917222 - 1998 [rec. 1970])
- Their breakthough came at the end of the seventies but they had unreleased material recorded earlier. "Smutok" is from 1970 and a nice pop tune. If Ray Davies would sing instead than this song could be the twin of "Dead End Street".
16. Framus Five - Hold On I'm Comin' (Prague - Supraphon 1 13 0578 LP »Blues In Soul« - 1968)
- Michael Prokop's band did a competend version of the Sam & Dave classic. Their album "Blues in Soul" lives up for its name.
17. Hana Zagorová - Svatej kluk (Ostrava - Supraphon 0 43 0489 - 1968)
- Excellent psych-pop tune from her first single. The follow-up "Prý jsem zhýralá" is great Girl-Pop.
18. Matadors - Get Down From The Tree (Prague - Supraphon 0 33 0211 EP - 1967)
- The Matadors were together with Olympic the poster children of the Czech Beat scene. They were also one of the first groups that released an album with predominantly R&B/Beat/Garage music. "Get Down From The Tree" from their second E.P. was also the opener of their only longplayer and it is a wild R&B/Freakbeat track.
19. Speakers - Mlha se ztrácí (Brno - Discant 0 43 0046 - 1970)
- This powerful pop song has all the ingredients to make my day: A swirling bass, an appealing piano in turn with a cool organ solo and a great hookline. They later evolved into Junior.
20. Jaromír Mayer - Slunce za oknem (Czechoslovakia - Supraphon 013852 - 1965)
- Unexpected tough Beat blast from mainstream pop singer Jaromír Mayer.
21. Synkopy 61 - Lady Godiva (Brno - Panton 080248 Mini-LP »Festival« - 1972)
- Fine baroque psych-pop by anyway good Brno band.
22. Bluesmen - Zpívej Mi Dál (Olomouc - Panton 03 0123 EP - 1968)
- Hana Ulrychová, Jaroslav Vraštil and Vladimír Grunt teamed up later with Atlantis, which were not unlike in sound like The Bluesmen.
23. Pavel Sedlácek & The Colour Images - Hádej (Prague - Supraphon 0 43 0813 - 1969)
- Pavel Sedlácek gives this cover version of Les Sauterelles' "The Heavenly Club" a new pretentious coat.
24. Marie Rottrová & Flamingo - Bílá pláž (Ostrava - Supraphon 0 43 0912 - 1970)
- Basically they were a soul band but "Bílá pláž" is a sweet pop period piece.
25. Beatings - We'd Be Happy (Prague - Panton 03 0224 EP - 1970)
- For a moment they forgot their mainstream Pop-Rock scheme and bang the drums with this excellent Freakbeat grenade.
26. Progress Organization - Snow In My Shoes (Brno - Discant EP - 1970)
- This respected progressive band wade with "Snow In My Shoes" through early Soft Machine territory.
27. Fortuna - Snad Už Zítra (Prague - Supraphon 0 13 0536 LP »Fortuna« - 1969)
- A dreamy folk-song from their only platter.
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'T Kliekske ••• Adam's Recital ••• Adams ••• Adolphe ••• Les Akor ••• Lucky Alba ••• Jacques Albin & The Klan ••• Les Altesses ••• Ariane ••• Ariane & Les 10/20 ••• O.J. Armath ••• Arrows ••• Atlantics ••• Les Babs & Les Babettes ••• Babe Pereira ••• Baishin ••• Mike Baker & His Vedettes ••• Ballad and Beat ••• Balladeers (Kirsten & Bernd) ••• Brady Benton & The B-Group ••• Berry-Clan ••• Black Angels ••• Black Birds ••• Black Men ••• Black Sharks ••• Burt Blanca ••• Blue Devils ••• Blue Jets ••• Boemerangs ••• Les Bourreaux ••• Braincancer ••• André Brasseur ••• Buddy Brent ••• Brian ••• Buddy & The Shamrocks ••• Bunch ••• Burning Plague ••• Les Cadillacs ••• Les Caravelles ••• Carriage Company ••• Les Chabroll's ••• Les Chats Noirs ••• Clee's Five ••• Clifton Webb ••• Climax ••• Closed ••• Clubman ••• Fabien Collin ••• Cosy's ••• Cousins ••• Cpt. Bismarck ••• Crash ••• Les Croque-Morts ••• Les Croque-Notes ••• Ron Dalon & The Bonzos ••• Dayaks ••• Wally Dean & The Thrips ••• Délizia ••• Delphine ••• Luc Derdin ••• Christian Desmet & Les Coyottes ••• Devil's Power ••• Diamants Noirs ••• Dinkies ••• Doctor Downtrip ••• Dorian & The Mackensies ••• Douglas ••• Echnaton ••• Eddy Dyan & The Saints ••• Early Christian ••• Les Echo's ••• Echos ••• De Elegasten ••• Dan Ellery ••• Erik ••• Explosion ••• Marino Falco ••• Famous Crew ••• Fire Stones ••• 5 From Dave ••• Foottappers ••• Four Rockets ••• Les Frangins ••• Free Pop Electronic Concept ••• Jimmy Frey ••• Fuzzy Phases ••• G 69 ••• Garnets ••• Georgy & The Nightbirds ••• Serge & Christine Ghisoland ••• Ghosts ••• Gilles & Dominique ••• Godasses Vertes ••• Green Leaves ••• Greenlight ••• Ferre Grignard ••• Half Crown ••• Happy Fellows ••• Joe Harris ••• Joske Harris ••• Joske Harry's ••• Hi Five ••• Jacques Hustin ••• Injun Joe ••• Irish Coffee ••• Jenghiz Khan ••• Jerry's Hi Five ••• Jess & James ••• Jimmy Jive & Santiago Vasco ••• Joanna ••• Jokers ••• Jumpers ••• Jumpies ••• Davy Jr. & The Guess Who ••• Audy Kans & His Black Stars ••• Klan ••• Kleptomania ••• Laurelie ••• Layabouts ••• Lilac Street Band ••• Liliane ••• Lions ••• Little Chris & The Boumerangs ••• Little Jimmy ••• Mad Curry ••• Malachi ••• Mathusalem ••• Mec-Op Singers ••• Messe Blanche ••• Midges ••• Midgets ••• Miek en Roel ••• Mighty Wave ••• Misfits ••• Les Mistigris ••• Modus Vivendi ••• Morning Dew ••• Rick Morvan & The Fens ••• Mr. Waldy & The Greenlight ••• Mustangs ••• Nancy & The Atlantics ••• New Inspiration ••• François Nicot & Les Ritmix ••• Night Rockers ••• No Entry ••• Les Ombres ••• Paramounts ••• Ricky Paris ••• Paul's Collection ••• Pazop ••• Pebbles ••• Pendulum ••• Picknicks ••• The Playboys Jim and Steve ••• Pop' Liberty 6 ••• Les 1515 ••• Rainbows ••• Recreation ••• Johnny Richard & His Spikes ••• Ricky's ••• Robin ••• Rony Roland & His Comets ••• Ropes ••• Rotation ••• Rowdies ••• Rum ••• Liliane Saint Pierre ••• Samo Reds ••• Sandy & The Voodoos ••• Santa Claus ••• Saphirs ••• Tino Serlet & The Blacks ••• Serpents Noirs ••• Sfinx's ••• Shakes ••• Shake Spears ••• Sheiks ••• Sheiks ••• Red Sheldon ••• Paul Simul ••• Sir James Group ••• Sky Devils ••• Small Rhapsody ••• Smiling Kid & His Beat-Makers ••• Snakes ••• Snap Shots ••• Snobs ••• Sonny Boys ••• Soul Fingers Group ••• Spirits ••• Stainless Steel ••• Starliners ••• Stern Selection ••• Stradivarius ••• Sunbeats ••• Sundrops ••• Swallows ••• Sweet Feeling ••• Sylvester's Team ••• Sylver's Trust ••• William Tay & The Rockets ••• Tell Stars ••• Tenderfoot Kids ••• Tony & The Mule Station ••• Tops ••• Union Jack ••• Vacation ••• Les Vipères ••• Vipers ••• Vulcans ••• Joe Walker & The Skulls ••• Wallace Collection ••• Waterloo ••• Guy Wathelet ••• Peter Welch & His Jets ••• John Woolley & Just Born ••• Young Devils •••
Part 1: (1964 - 1967) • Part 2: (1968 - 1973)

Tracklist Part 1 (1964-1967):
1. Burt Blanca - Ursula (Brussels [Brabant] - Decca 23666 - 1966)
2. Robin - Robin Boy Wonder (Belgium - Roover 11006 - 1966)
3. G 69 - Growing Up (Belgium - Olympia 509 - 1966)
4. Sheiks - Since She's Gone (Brussels [Brabant] - Covadia 389 - 1965)
5. Adam's Recital - No Place For Lonely People (Antwerp - Barclay 60817 - 1967)
6. Four Rockets - The Place Where She Lives (Ninove [East Flanders] - Micro 13019 - 1967)
7. Shake Spears - What Happened (Brussels [Brabant] - Ronnex 1450 - 1966)
8. Delphine - La Fermeture-Éclaire (Charleroi [Hainaut] - Decca 26.129 - 1967)
9. Explosion - Sunlight (Belgium - Europhon ER 3021 - 1967)
10. Klan - Nobody Will Ever Help You (Brussels [Brabant] - Palette PB 25.647 - 1967)
11. Les Ombres - I'll Talk About You (Brussels [Brabant] - Sachem 60001 - 1964)
12. Cousins - A Girl Named Sue (Brussels [Brabant] - Palette PB 40217 - 1964)
13. Douglas - Si Je Buvais Moins (Belgium - Philips BF 319937 - 1967)
14. Little Chris & The Boumerangs - Girl Of Radium (Kortrijk [West Flanders] - Cardinal 3083 - 1966)
15. Ariane - Tu Voudrais Que J'oublie (Brussels [Brabant] - Palette PB 45.231 - 1966)
16. Closed - My Little Girl From Kentucky (Liège - Hebra 445 - 1967)
17. New Inspiration - Hurry Up And Tell Me (Ghent [East Flanders] - Decca 23.708 - 1967)
18. Black Sharks - Too Much In Love (Ghent [East Flanders] - Decca 23707 - 1967)
19. Gilles & Dominique - Ça M'est Égal (Belgium - Palette PB 25492 - 1967)
20. Jumpers - I Don't Need You (St. Niklaas [East Flanders] - Week-End 18.032 - 1966)
21. Dayaks - So Long Sad Sack (Brussels [Brabant] - VDH 405 - 1966)
22. Pick Nicks - Kiss Me Baby (Antwerp - Ring Records RR 805 + Showrecords SH 1133 - 1965)
23. Chabroll's - N'y Touches Pas (Antwerp - DRB D 502 - 1966)
24. Paul & Johnny with The Blue Jets - I Like It (Herstal [Liège] - Decca 23688 - 1966)
25. François Nicot & Les Ritmix - Murain Chee Cha (Brussels [Brabant] - Disques International A 107 - 1966)
26. Les Babs et Les Babettes - N'aprochez Pas (Brussels [Brabant] - Barclay BLY 62.165 - 1964)
27. Paramounts - About Girls (Ghent [East Flanders] - Show SH 1183 - 1965)
28. Pebbles - You Better Believe It (Antwerp - Barclay BE 60853 - 1967)
29. Ferre Grignard - Sexy Mary Brown (Antwerp - Fontana 6443505 LP »Ring, Ring, I've Got To Sing« - 1966)
30. Pop' Liberty 6 - Qu'est-Ce Que Ma Sœur F... (Brussels [Brabant] - EMI-HMV GBP-185 - 1966)
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Get Part 2 of 1964-67 here
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Tracklist Part 2 (1968-1973):
1. Mec-Op Singers - Stop The Machine (Brussels [Brabant] - AZ SG 121 - 1969)
2. Shakespeares - Burning My Fingers (Brussels [Brabant] - RCA 54-4025 - 1968)
3. Tony Mann & The Lions - Don't Seduce Me (Brussels [Brabant] - Ideal 525 - 1968)
4. Wallace Collection - Baby I Don't Mind (Brussels [Brabant] - EMI R 5764 - 1969)
5. Echnaton - When I Realize (Belgium - Top-Songs TSR 7008 - 1971)
6. Dorian & The Mackensies - Stay With Me (Belgium - EMI-Columbia 4C 006-23107 - 1969)
7. Climax - You... I (Limburg - Ronnex 1416 - 1970)
8. Tops - I Found You (Liège - Arsis LR 31923 - 1972)
9. Mathusalem - Flying Away (Belgium - Smoke S 008 - 1971)
10. Sweet Feeling - Sherry Cherie (Brussels [Brabant] - EMI-Columbia DCB 140 - 1968)
11. Famous Crew - A Painting On The Wall (Belgium - Evasound EVS 10010 - 1968)
12. Berry-Clan - 20th Century (Belgium - Golden Music GM 803 - 1970)
13. Carriage Company - Feel Right (Brussels [Brabant] - CBS 5209 - 1971)
14. Green Leaves - Magic Soul (Belgium - Papaver 020 - 1970)
15. Ferre Grignard - Tell Me Now (Antwerp - Barclay 60956 - 1969)
16. Snap Shots - Hip-Hip Hurray (Brussels [Brabant] - Vogue VD 109 - 1969)
17. Tenderfoot Kids - Tomorrow The Moon (Liège - Barclay BE 61072 - 1969)
18. Injun Joe - Indian Priest (Belgium - Turbo TU 004 - 1970)
19. Johnny Richard & His Spikes - It Was So Fine (Belgium - Basart BB 651 - 1970)
20. Union Jack - Lady Masham (Tienen [Brabant] - Fonora 719 - 1970)
21. Fuzzy Phases - Fuzzy's Dreams (Belgium - Hebra 491 - 1970)
22. Serpents Noirs - Be In (Andenne [Namur] - Olympia LPQ 560 - 1968)
23. Garnets - A Sunny Walk In Rainy Days (Belgium - Ideal 523 - 1969)
24. Joanna - Hold-Up Inusite (Belgium - Palette PB 25.963 - 1968)
25. Vipers - Town Of Tuxley (Ghent [East Flanders] - Basart BB 641 - 1970)
26. Soul Fingers Group - Carnaby Street (Belgium - Olympia LPQ 633 - 1969)
27. Paul's Collection - Man (Antwerp - RCA 54.4048 - 1970)
28. Jess & James - I'll Quit You (Charleroi [Hainaut] - Palette MPB S-3237 LP »Revolution, Evolution, Change« - 1968)
29. Snakes - Don't Set Me Free (Belgium - Fonora 12002 - 197?)
30. Pazop - It's The End (Brussels [Brabant] - Musea FBGB 4191 AR LP »Psychillis Of A Lunatic Genius« - 1996 [rec. 1973])
Get Part 1 of 1968-73 here
Get Part 2 of 1968-73 here
(Artwork included)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Albatross ••• Allrounds ••• Art Boys Collection ••• Beatfires ••• Beatniks ••• Big Wheel Blues Band ••• Brand Brothers ••• Bushidos ••• C-Department ••• Charles Ryders Corporation ••• Cornflake ••• Counts ••• Harry David Quintett ••• Desperates ••• Earls ••• Elite Boys ••• Eric ••• Expiration ••• Les Fantoms ••• Fellows ••• Flamingos ••• Flowers ••• Freak Out ••• Gipsies ••• Golem ••• Graveyard ••• Jack Grunsky ••• Reinhold Haberl ••• Les Hammond Singers ••• Hards ••• Hausner Combo ••• Heart ••• Hide & Seek ••• High Societys ••• Hit Nuts ••• Hop-Cats ••• Hubbubs ••• Hush ••• Jack's Angels ••• Jerry & The Cannons ••• Joker ••• Jollies ••• Kellerkinder ••• Lamberts ••• Leaves ••• Lonelights ••• Lost Generation ••• Madcaps ••• Magic 69 ••• Malformation ••• Les Marquis ••• Meadows ••• Men-Singers ••• Mimes ••• Mr. Henry's Hot Men ••• Novak's Kapelle ••• One Family ••• Hannes Patek ••• Paul & Greg ••• Rangers ••• Ringos ••• Rockets ••• Roletts ••• Les Sabres ••• Scotch Combo ••• Scream ••• Seals ••• Sirs ••• Skin ••• Slaves ••• Smoke ••• Sunset Combo ••• Targets ••• Travellers ••• Gery Turner & Co. ••• Vienna Beatles ••• Vienna Rambler Sextett ••• V-Rangers ••• Wallflowers ••• Buddy Will ••• Young Society •••

1. Charles Ryders Corporation - White Flames (Vienna - Decca D 19.941 - 1968)
2. Brand Brothers - Rainy Nights (Vienna - VCR 45-6263 - 1968)
3. Slaves - Slaves Time (Vienna - Philips 339414 PF - 1966)
4. Novak's Kapelle - Hypordemic Needle (Vienna - Amadeo AVRS 21539 - 1968)
5. Hide & Seek - Riven Street (Graz [Styria] - Amadeo AVRS 21561 - 1970)
6. Expiration - And The World Will Be A Bird (Vienna - VCR 45-6266 - 1968)
7. Slaves - Get Out Of My Way (Vienna - Philips 339416 PF - 1966)
8. Meadows - Future (Vienna - Polyphon Lohnpressung 019-69 - 1969)
9. Jack Grunsky - Sally McGregor (Vienna + Toronto - Amadeo AVRS 21520 - 1968)
10. Seals - Around The World (Vienna - Amadeo VCP 1398 - 1969)
11. Earls - Say The Word (Vienna - Polyphon-Lohnpressung 03-68 - 1968)
12. Hide & Seek - Crying Child (Graz [Styria] - Amadeo AVRS 21584 - 1970)
13. Desperates - LSD (Bregenz [Vorarlberg] - CCA 5030 - 1966)
14. Lamberts - Crazy Time (Austria - Private SBTL 057 001 - 1971)
15. Seals - Stop This War (Vienna - Amadeo VCP 1398 - 1969)
16. Hit Nuts - Dead End Street (Austria - Steyr-Puch 17-601 - 1966)
17. Novak's Kapelle - Smile Please (Vienna - Amadeo AVRS 21559 - 1969)
18. Slaves - Panic (Vienna - Philips 339416 PF - 1966)
19. Les Hammond Singers - Du bist meine Welt (Austria - Accordia AC 295 - 1968)
20. Hide & Seek - The Beggar Of St. Pair (Graz [Styria] - Amadeo AVRS 21561 - 1970)
21. Skin - Stop The Light (Graz [Styria] - Alpenton HH 74-5-46 - 1972)
22. Les Marquis - Fire Horses (Salzburg - VCR 456265 - 1968)
23. Roletts - You Say Yeah! (Carinthia - Cosmos 2232 - 1971)
24. Expiration - It Wasn't Right (Vienna - VCR 45-6266 - 1968)
25. Slaves - Shut Up (Vienna - Philips 339415 PF - 1966)
26. Hide & Seek - I Can Fly (Graz [Styria] - Amadeo AVRS 21584 - 1970)
27. Novak's Kapelle - Doing That Rhythm Thing (Vienna - Amadeo AVRS 21539 - 1968)
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